Sunday, 25 May 2008

Fright Night

Had an unnerving experience last night. After being in bed for a while waiting to warm up, decided I needed a Hot Water Bottle, So got out of bed and tried to wake Sis to ask where I could find one, the HWB being in her possession last time I saw it (we only have two at the moment).

Didn't succeed , Sis being a sound sleeper, but found HWB in hall cupboard. Left light on in hall and went to kitchen to fill HWB. As I boiled the jug Mum woke and asked if I would get her an aspirin. As I filled the tumbler with water after putting in the tablet, I heard the screen door open. Assumed it was His Lordship wanting to come in from the cold. I should explain that the last time Sis rehung the screen door she put it on backwards, so we haven't been able to lock it. This doesn't worry us as we are in a quiet backstreet with few visitors. As I passed the lounge I noticed His Lordship asleep on it. Just then there was a knock. Now I am not opening the door at a quarter to eleven at night without good reason. I turned the kitchen light off and waited for the person to identify themselves but they only knocked again, alarming Mum.

Thinking that I couldn't talk through the glass door(we have patio doors instead of real ones, blame the previous owners), and they had opened the screen already, I turned the hall light off and asked Mum to be quiet. I heard a man's voice say he thought he'd seen a light, but after they apparently replaced the screen we heard no more. Mum woke Sis, who was full of curiosity, but they were nowhere to be seen. Went back to kitchen in dark (it was a bright moonlit night) and gave Mum her aspirin. Prayed protection over the house and tried to sleep but couldn't sleep for sometime after.


Ganeida said...

Poor things. They'd probably only run out of petrol! Still, without Winston I wouldn't have been opening up either though I'd have probably have chatted through the Raven's window. Booga~wooga~wooo, how will you sleep tonight? OK, you can clout me one when next you see me for being madly unsympathetic & mention it to me when I come stay. Shall we tell ghost stories & watch me climb the walls?

Constance said...

THAT would be unnerving to me as well! I will have to share my angel story sometime and how God revealed Himself to me one time. Afterwards I slept like a baby!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting. I wish we were flying up to St Louis but the airfare prices are suddenly MUCH higher than usual. We have gotten quite spoiled by flying (we flew up there in May) but we'll have to drive it all this time. It's normally a 10 1/2 hour drive but this is the 4th of July weekend and I'm sure the traffic will be heavy like usual. Although, with our gas prices being what they are, maybe some people won't be traveling after all. I guess we'll find out!

We have lived away from home our whole married lives, in different staes beside Texas and there are times when it's really tough. Now that our parents are getting older especially. Still, I have made the drive, with or without my Hub, many times! I once had a friend tell me that she couldn't do that without her husband going as well, she called me a "pioneer woman"! I thought that was funny, like I was crossing the country in a wagon being pulled by oxen! It actually made me feel good though because I realized that my Hub trusted me and my judgment to make those trips AND to take our kids!

Have a blessed week!