Sunday 6 April 2008


Since joining Goodreads I have reread some of my favourite books and have just bought myself a new copy of "How To Read A Book". If you think you know how to read, check this book out, It may change your mind. Actually I was surprised how much I had forgotten about reading until I reread this book.


Ganeida said...

Update? Hey, Kimba...we're pretty sick here. You might get a reprieve this Saturday too. I can't believe hw sick I am. Give our love to everyone.

Ganeida said...

You don't want this wog, believe me. I've been trying to get rid of it for a fortnight, L & R's on their 3rd week, & now J's got it too but will come down for a chat if we're over it. Next Sat is pre~production for TTT & we have a Saturday rehearsal. No wonder I can't get over being sick! Where's S of to?