Saturday, 8 November 2008

Catch up 2

Ganeida wanted to know what I have been reading. I am interested in End Times theology consequently am following a blog called fulfilled as its got a good lot of links to European Union watching sites and news blogs.

Am also interested in pro-life blogs after the Greens and Nitschke have been trying to introduce anti-life legislation into australian politics.

Apparently Victorian doctors can't refuse to refer a woman to an abortion providing doctor even if they oppose abortion themselves.

This will probably drive all the true christian doctors out of the profession or out of Victoria.

The american voters have passed a bill allowing Death on Demand in Washington state also requiring doctors to give patients a referral to a doctor who will kill them if they want it.

The End must surely be close!


Ganeida said...

Reading all that would depress me madly. I agree the world is taking itself to hell at a faster & faster rate but I really don't want to know about it anymore. I just want to go home. I really hope the Lord gets a move on & returns soon! the sooner the better.

Ganeida said...

Kimba, link to me from here. GoDaddy has done horrible things to a number of blogspotters & my blog was one of it's victims. .:D