Sunday, 20 January 2008

cricket loss

Am in mourning. Yesterday the Oz cricket team were beaten by India. Ok, I know we lead the series 2-1, but a loss is a loss. And they were on target for their 17th straight win too. I will just have to watch the "Yes Minster" dvd set I got for Chrissie and wait for the next game on thursday. Hopefully it was just a setback and we can take the Series out. Here's hoping.

Sunday, 6 January 2008


Added blogspot blogs to my yahoo page. Easiest way to keep up with my favourite blogs. Then discovered Creation On The Web has a rss feed, so added it too. Bad move! They had a couple of articles on C.S.Lewis, so everything stopped while I read them. Don't like his novels, but find his non-fiction interesting. Same with Dorothy L. Sayers. Strangely, books I enjoy I usually don't like as films or on T.V. but books I don't like I sometimes find make good viewing.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Another Dead Jug

Jug we were given has died. Suddenly and without warning. Starting to think it might be the powerboard actually. Will have to wait for next shopping trip, today week. Until then its back to the microwave :(

Thursday, 3 January 2008


Rain, rain and more rain. His lordship and I are sick of rain. He has a litterbox, but I try to discourage its use, except in emergencies,as I hate cleaning it out. I am the only one with a strong enough stomach to do it. Unfortunately, He had to go use it, so I have to clean it before Mum sees it, or I might have another mess to cleanup. lol

Ganeida(see link) came over to pick up the book I got for her.

The power was out in our street for two hours. No coffee for 4 whole hours! Guess I'm an addict. I was on the Internet and about to boil the jug when the power died. Rang Energex(electric company). It was apparently confined to just our street. They said it would probably take 4 hours to fix, but it actually only took two. Rang friends other end of island. Yep, they had power. Could have read by torchlight, but decided to just go take a nap until the power came back on.