Thursday, 23 April 2009

Online again again

I have been really really dumb.

I think.

Actually i'm not sure what happened.

Because of my upgrade and reinstalling woes I have had to ask for my passwords to be reset and had all but one done. Was getting a little anxious about my online debit card which I only use if I want to buy online. The password hadn't arrived and I needed to know how much was in my account as I had to pay for a purchase . Today I caught my email program (thunderbird) moving practically all my mail to the Junk folder. I don't know why it did this as I don't recall asking it to move anything much to the folder. Strange. You probably guessed the password reset info was in there. agh.


Saturday, 18 April 2009

Procrastinating and Distractions

I should not be on the net. I should be working offline on my one hundred pages for the writing blog contest I signed up for. However when I sit down to write inspiration flies out the door.

It happens in other areas too. When I sit down to write in my blog for instance.

Before I wrote this post I spent some minutes fiddling with the colours and layout.

I actually prefer to talk rather than write . Talking is immediate you get feedback to keep you going. Writing is so static by comparison.